Living in harmony with the Seasons is a key concept in Chinese Medicine, derived from it’s ancient roots in Taoist philosophy.

Just as the Seasons change, our daily health habits should also shift and change to remain in harmony!
Yet too often we humans adopt rigid patterns of eating and exercising that remain the same no matter the Season. Modern living shields us from Seasonal shifts, which overtime brings us out of harmony. You may be familiar with the concept of eating foods that are are local and in Season, this is an excellent example of a simple lifestyle change one can make to live more in harmony with the Season. The best way to eat more local and Seasonal foods is to shop at your local Farmer’s Market or take up gardening as a hobby. Chinese medicine offers more specific ways one can live in harmony with each changing Season.
Did you know there are special acupuncture treatments that bring you into harmony and alignment with each season when you receive them at the Equinox/Solstice?
Chinese medicine has it’s ancient origins in Taoism. Taoism is a ancient philosophy that is about living in harmony with the Tao (which loosely translates as ‘the way’ or ‘the path’). The Tao is the creative universal principle. The Tao is the One, in which all things are unified and connected. To live in harmony with the Tao is to connect with the rhythms of the Seasons, to live in connection with and in harmony with Nature. With our modern lifestyles it can be challenging to remain connected and in harmony with the Seasons and Nature. Receiving these special Equinox and Solstice treatments can be a profound way to reconnect and reorient oneself around the solar clock represented by these times of the year. Each season has a particular psycho-emotional-spiritual association; these treatments realigns one with the particular phase of Seasonal development.
In the Eastern Medicine tradition the Lungs and Large Intestine are associated with the Element of Metal. Each meridian has points associated with different Elements, including one associated with it’s own Element (the Metal point in the Metal meridian). There points are considered the Horary points.
The Horary Metal Point on the Lung meridian is Lung 8, named Jing Qu (Meridian Gutter). This point promotes clarity by draining all that is obscuring and has lost its purpose. Just as a gutter is pathway for moving excess water away from the home; if it becomes congested by debris, standing water leads to structural problems. Failure of the lungs to descend Qi and fluids can cause lung congestion, sinus congestion, allergies, facial swelling and/or chronic diarrhea. On the mental-emotional level a tendency toward OCD or repetitive thinking, depression, grief (and the inability to release grief). There may be a sense of a lack of inspiration. Unblocking Lu-8 cleanses and renews the entire being, restoring luster and brilliance to your mind and body.
The Horary Metal Point on the Large Intestine is LI-1, named Shang Yang, or Metal Yang. This point empowers us with the ability to clearly evaluate what is essential and enables us to recognize what no longer essential. We embrace the virtue of letting go of all that does not support your true self. This point helps us cultivate an internal ‘purity’ by releasing and letting go of all the little things enabling us to clearly recognize what is most important and release what has lost is purpose and value.
The Lungs filter impurities and the Large Intestine absorbs what is essential (water) and release what is waste; mentally-emotionally this allows us to selectively determine what we keep an integrate as our own (that which serves the true self) and release psychic twinkies, those ‘waste’ thoughts that take up space and consume your energy but serve no purpose and yet just seem to persist.
Ready to let of of old baggage and release whatever is holding you back? Ready to experience clarity about your purpose? Ready to feel inspired, brilliant, and purified? Harmonize with the Season of Fall and come get a Fall Equinox treatment @ Yin Rising!
Make an appointment via our website @ or give us a call (480) 206-6199 & We look forward to harmonizing you